On this page you will find more information about:

  • Rates and Reservations
  • Squash lessons
  • Squash activities

BRESS Sports Center, Squash courts 1 – 6

What is squash?

Squash is a conditionally intensive sport and it has some relation to tennis; it is a racket game played by two people. Unlike tennis, squash players do not face each other but side by side and can use the walls. Therefore, there is no net and the (soft) ball is always played against the opposite wall.

Prizes and booking

At BRESS, we have 6 squash courts available for hire for both members and non-members. Check our squash rates here.
You can rent a squash court online via bress.baanreserveren.nl (registering for the reservation system is free of charge). Please read the booking conditions carefully in advance.

Important: Black soles or soles with black areas are prohibited on our squash courts. Squash may only be played on indoor sports shoes.

Meet the squash trainers!

Meet our trainers. They are ready to teach you all the tricks of squash. Prices: per half hour €15 excluding half court rental and per hour €29 excluding half court rental.

Note 1: There are no evening squash training sessions only during the day between 07:00 – 18:00 and in the weekends.
Note 2: Taking lessons is possible without BRESS membership.

Tessa Ter Sluis

“As a professional squash player, I have enjoyed teaching squash at BRESS for almost 10 years now. I work with squash players on specific areas for improvement or teach beginning squash players the basics of the game. I also help the more competitive players who play in tournaments, leagues or the BRESS squash ladder with training exercises focusing on technical, tactical or physical aspects of the game. Do you want to start playing squash or work on something specific? Get in touch and let’s train!”

Contact: Tessatersluis@hotmail.com

Marjolein van Oostrum

“With almost 20 years of experience, I still share my passion for squash every day to young, old, beginning and experienced squash players. For beginning players, the basic rules and techniques are discussed so that you can quickly play a fun match against a friend or in the BRESS ladder competition. If you are more experienced, we will discuss the tactical side of the game with various exercises to simulate a match situation. In short, there are squash lessons for every level and every ambition at BRESS.”

Contact: Marjoleinvanoostrum@hotmail.nl

Niels Langedijk

“To improve on the things we love to do, that is true satisfaction. If squash is the thing you love to do, I’d like to help you out with just that! Every week, I aim to develop myself between those three walls and the glass. Acting as a trainer, I get to bring that mentality and my passion for the sport with me every session. I tend to focus on beginners and students, but I’d like to see if I can help anyone however I can. Would you like to grow with me by your side on the courts? Then don’t hesitate to send me an email or strike up a conversation in the sports center!“

Contact: nielslangedijk@gmail.com

Bart Bielars

“Technique, tactics & physical and mental fitness are all involved in this fantastic sport. For the past 15 years, I have been playing and training a lot so that I could eventually play tournaments and leagues. With competitions, I visit many cities across the country where you too could go when you start playing competition. For 5 years, I have enjoyed teaching children, students and adults. I can often be found at BRESS, so if you see me sometime and you have a question about squash or would like to attend a training session, feel free to talk to me and I will be happy to help you! See you on the squash court!”

Contact: Bart.bielars@gmail.com

Squash activities 

Several evening and day tournaments take place throughout the year in which everyone can participate at their desired level (beginner, semi-advanced and advanced). Keep an eye on our activities page for the next tournament.

Squash tournaments

Welcome to the Friday evening squash tournaments at BRESS! For only €7,50 you can participate regardless of whether you are a member of BRESS. We offer three different levels: Beginners, Semi-advanced and Advanced players.

The next squash tournament will take place on March 8, May 17 and July 5.

Register for these tournaments by clicking here.

See you on the court soon!

Note: As of now, beginners and semi-advanced winners must play one level higher 1 year after winning. The winner will be notified by email by the front office after the tournament.

Squash ladder competition

Crazy about squash? Would you like to play a match every 2 weeks with someone of your level? Then join our BRESS squash ladder competition! It works very easily:

  1. A fun match will be arranged for you every 2 weeks
  2. You choose the days you like to play
  3. You are classified according to your playing level
  4. You switch places if you beat someone ranked higher

Do you want to play? Participation is free of charge. Visit the BRESS page at sportconnexions for more information, full rules and to sign up.

Club night

Our club evening takes place every Friday evening (excluding holidays, events and other tournaments) from 19:00 on courts 2 to 5 and is intended for every squash player who wants to meet new players or just wants to hit some balls. Squash players of all levels are welcome and players are rotated among themselves, allowing you to meet many different players and thus many different playing styles. Conviviality and squash come together on this evening.

Reservations are not necessary, but please report to the bar upon arrival. Cost: € 7.50.

These are the dates when there will be no club evening:

  • March 8 ( due to squash tournament)
  • April 5 (due Small Competition)
  • April 19 (because of a BRESS Breda Open PSA tournament)
  • April 26 (maybe because of king’s night)
  • May 17 ( due to squash tournament)
  • May 31 (due Small Competition)
  • July 5 ( due to squash tournament)
  • July 12 (due an event)


Do you also enjoy watching squash competitions? BRESS has three teams participating in the SBN Competition of Squashbond Nederland. The matches of BRESS heren 1, 2 and 3 take place on Friday evenings and spectators are welcome! Good to know is that in the tournament, despite being called men’s, women are also welcome to play. For example, BRESS men’s 3 has a female member playing. The competition schedule of BRESS MEN 1, BRESS MEN 2 and BRESS MEN 3 can be found on the website of Squash Bond Nederland.

Stay informed? 

Would you like to stay up to date on club night and squash developments (different days, club nights and tournaments)?
Then please fill out our subscription form here.

    BRESS Breda Open 2024

    The biggest squash tournament of Breda is coming back in 2024 from 17 until 21 April!
    ℹ️ All information can be found on www.bressbredaopen.com or at the Instagram @Bressbredaopen.

    Are you interested in supporting BRESS Breda Open next year by sponsoring it? Then please fill in the form below and when we have more information about next year we will contact you.